Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sailboats on Singer Island Sunrise

Via Flickr:
HDR image photographed on Singer Island beach during a sunrise shoot with a local photography group. I was considering not going that morning because I knew just by looking outside the sunrise was going to be terrible. But I went anyways, more to socialize with the local shutterbugs than to shoot. I was right though, the sun never showed. Not with that giant cloud covering the entire horizon. It's frustrating waking up early to shoot a sunrise only to never see the sun break the horizon. However light did manage to escape through the haze and color the sky for about 30 minutes. Which was enough for me to get this shot.

More details about this photo can be found by clicking here.

HDR photograph merged using Photomatix. Details enhanced using Topaz Adjust.
Final image processed using Photoshop.

HDR Tutorial | PhotoBlog | Web Gallery | About Captain Kimo

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