Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Green Cay Wetlands Sunset 02

Via Flickr:
The second HDR wetlands image processed from that wonderful day at Green Cay. If you look close enough you'll see a bird sitting on one of the branches of the tree. About the only wildlife I manage to shoot that day. Even though I went there to shoot wildlife I ended up shooting all landscape photos. I did however manage to get some alligator shots later that evening. Actually I had the opportunity to shoot and amazing gator shot but I messed it up because my telephoto was to slow :(


Software used for processing photo:
- HDR software used for creating high dynamic range.
Topaz Adjust
- Photoshop plugin used to enhance details.
Topaz DeNoise
- Photoshop plugin used to eliminate noise.
Topaz Clean
Photoshop plugin used to smooth pixels.

Click here to read my tutorials and learn about my processing technique.

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