Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Another Beautiful Sunrise to Another Beautiful Day "Merry Christmas Everyone!"

Via Flickr:
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Everyday is black and white until we stop to see the colors.

Most of us get caught up with our daily routine. Too busy to stop and enjoy the new day. Another moment in life given to us to cherish. But even a second is to much for us to give-up. We move from point to point without ever blinking. Without ever pausing to appreciate the things which truly matter the most.

I guess this is why so many of us look forward to the holidays. It is one of those rare moments in our lives where we can all stop to enjoy the present. A moment for us to enjoy all the beautiful colors.

Happy holidays everyone. Enjoy your present.

Details about this photo can be found by clicking here.

HDR photograph merged using Photomatix. Details enhanced using Topaz Adjust.
Final image processed using Photoshop.

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